
PRICE: 2500$+mm
★Power : 143m + 4m after kvk
★VIP : 18 (extra 1m+ vip points)
★Kingdom : 22**
★Kill and death : 5. 3B kp/23m Deaths
★Passport : 52 enough credits to buy
★Credit coin : 19m
★Gold head : 173
★Bind : Google Only
★First purchase : Not Available
★Expertised Legendary : maxed
- Xy
- Nevsky
- Joan Prime
- William
- Saladin
- Minamoto
- Cao cao
- Guan Yu
- Scipio Prime
- Constantine
- Alex
- Charles Martel
- Richard
- Harald
- Flavius Aetius
- Zenobia
- Nebu
- Zhuge Liang
- Boudica Prime
- El Cid
- Trajan
- Mulan
- Julius Caesar
- Frederick
- Mehmed
- Aethel
- Hannibal Barca
- Cleopatra
- Ishida
- Seondok
. . . . . . . . . .
★Close to max :
- Theodora 5232
- Jan Zizka 5521
- YSS 5111
- Attila 5111
- Takeda 5111
- All Leg Commanders Unlock
★Equipment legendary
Legendary : 37 can forge another 1 plenty of materials and blueprints
Talent : 11 / gloves(infa 75/100
Legndary skin: Divine Lighthouse / Twilight Falls / St. Peters Basilica
Lots of bag rss / universal speed ups worth 6yrs

Not enough rights! You are not registred!
Refund in case of failed transaction or non-conformity of goods
Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller
Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%
Services of the guarantor service are included in the cost of the account

Thank you!