Account market Accounts WarFrame Personal account

1/10/2024 18

Game: WarFrame

Platform: PC

Description: Frames: Atlas Prime, Wisp, Vauban, Volt Prime, Wukong Prime, Gara, Garuda, Hydroid, Limbo, Loki, Mirage, Misa Prime, Nekros Prime, Nidus + deluxe skin, Nova Prime + deluxe skin, Protea, Revenant, Sarina( polarized for a good build), Trinity Prime, Frost Prime, Harrow + deluxe skin, Chroma Prime, Excalibur Umbra, Ember Prime, Ash, Zaku, Inaros Prime.
Weapon 1 slot: Acceltra (polarized), Arc Plasmor (+ rift mod), Battakor, Daikyu, Ignis ghost (+ rift mod), Doe, Rubico Prime (polarized), Soma Prime, Ferrox (+ rift mod, polarized for throw) , Fulmin, Shidu, Brahma Kuva (57% toxin, polarized for 43k area damage), Quartakk kuva.
Weapon 2 slot: Vasto Prime, Gammacore, Okukor, Nukor Kuva (26% toxin, polarized 3 times), Prophet Kuva.
1800 platinum, 2kk credits. If you need screenshots, I’ll send them

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Price: 68 $

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