Account market Accounts World of Warships SELLING ACCOUNT

1/11/2024 18

Game: World of Warships

Platform: PC

Description: rare ships-Stalingrad. glory. Thunder. Yushino. Sherman. Khabarovsk Elector Moscow. Sevastopol. burgun. Napoli 48-crabs 10 lv. 2- super ships. 73-prema. statistics 54% wins. proalpha by proships-1400. 17k steel. 43kk silver. coal. I'll give it by mail. server ru. in addition, the account with tanks has a 53% win rate. on account 2 prema 8lv - too few fights

Number of topships: 50 🥇
Number of premships: 50 👑
Win percentage: 54 📈
Number of fights(k): 10 ⚔️
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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 158 $

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