Account market Accounts Perfect World, PW Mobile Selling Paradise Gost

1/11/2024 15

Game: Perfect World, PW Mobile

Platform: PC

Description: 80 Pa+12 (not rent)
9sky of greatness 4990bd
Cards chml 2rb attack 1rb bd wings of seeds
2sets aspd/skillovik 190pa/5. 0
Runes 9cr 9s 7iz 7s 6z 3x6s 6r
Atlas 1k attacks 8pa 6pz
Disc 57lvl 2 attacks and fdef in fate, 2 resistance
House 30, 10th crafts 8-9 workshops 7100 prosperity
Catalog 75/61/55/25
Titles 515
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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 295 $

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