Account market Accounts Lost Ark selling account

2/25/2024 14

Game: Lost Ark

Platform: PC

Combat level 55, 1390 iLvl Gunslinger, 84 Lv Roster, 802 iLvl Tier 2 Sorceress alt, 302 iLvl DeathBlade alt, 2M+ Silver, EU Central Kadan Server, 330 skill points (still playing on account, stats etc may change ) Both towers have completed stage 50. The only missing items in the volumes are rapports and collectibles. All quests in the game yellow, purple, mains are completed. The Animal Costume Box is still available. Estoque is now level 7. 750+ Mokokos received and pushing more! The South Vern questline is complete and the Feiton pass is available while not in use.

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Game account sale Lost Ark
Game account sale Lost Ark
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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 58 $

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