Account market Accounts World of Tanks Personal account. Golden Wafer WT E100/ABOUT

4/6/2024 9

Game: World of Tanks

Description: RU region. LESTA
⚠️Important! Do not pay for the order without contacting the seller!
⚠️Write about the case, don't waste your time and mine. Thank you✅
✅ In the hangar
✅ Tank Destroyer WT E 100 Squire (Golden Waffle)
✅ OBJECT -705A
✅ ST-2
✅ EMIL 1951
✅ UDES 03
✅ T34B
✅ Email change is available on 04/12/2024.

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Game account sale World of Tanks
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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 227 $

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