
Selling account 77M strength.
Economic technologies are at their maximum. War technologies are close to T7. (If you are going to invest some money in it, then T7 can be opened in 1-2 days. Resources are available, about 4B different ones).
The real strength of the account is about 90M. I don't build a lot of troops to deceive the enemy. (Less than 2m T6).
The main heroes are infantry, the secondary ones are archers.
The set includes three level 22 farms with full T4).
Cost $600.

Not enough rights! You are not registred!
Refund in case of failed transaction or non-conformity of goods
Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller
Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%
Services of the guarantor service are included in the cost of the account