Account market Accounts Mobile Legends Sell acc ML

10/29/2023 35

Game: Mobile Legends

Description: Your account since 2019💛Many epics💛Zodiacs

Balance: 14, 033 tickets, 129, 904 BP, 3 diamonds, 56 premium fragments, 70 rare, 23 hero fragments, 37 aurora crystals; all emblems are pumped to the maximum; 83 avatar frames; a lot of limited emoji, a lot of animations for returning, appearing, etc.
current rank - GM1 (5 games were played this season (VR 100%)), maximum rank - Mythic Glory - 59 stars;
charisma - 180k, gifts - 490, 135 likes;
Total VR - 54. 63%, games - 9097; (I'm a former mainer of Granger - 1991 matches, 57, 4% BP)
Purchased - Layla, Ling, Ostus, Tarz, Ria, Kaboom, Brown, Connie, Benny, Iggy, Bass, Eva, Remy (only seasonal skins)

Game account sale Mobile Legends
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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 194 $

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