Account market Accounts Throne Kingdom at War Spears, knights, reconnaissance +4 farms

10/30/2023 32

Game: Throne Kingdom at War

Description: Selling combat account 442b power. Spearmen, knights and reconnaissance have been fully upgraded. The spearmen have all the gear with battle runes. For Knights only for the fortress of kings. There are crews to fly to any state. Foreign research to attack. Res of 800b are not unpacked. 445m gold. Level 70 hero. I’ll also give away 4 accounts, each upgraded for its own res plus silver. They bring 1. 5b res per day. Complete gear for the hero and inquisitor for the production of resources. 28-29 lvl, there is room to improve further.

Game account sale Throne Kingdom at War
Game account sale Throne Kingdom at War
Game account sale Throne Kingdom at War
Game account sale Throne Kingdom at War
Game account sale Throne Kingdom at War
Game account sale Throne Kingdom at War
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Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 631 $

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