Account market Accounts Blade and Soul Selling my favorite character

11/4/2023 28

Game: Blade and Soul

Description: Selling my favorite character. .Master of Wrath. .Well dressed 60-19. . . .10 twins. Also included as a gift is a coupon for creating level 60. .legendary sphere. .legendary pet. .
There are a lot of resources available, and there are also beautiful clothes that any of your favorite characters can take.

Game account sale Blade and Soul
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Refund in case of failed transaction or non-conformity of goods

Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 108 $

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Seller Feedback
Аккаунты to the game Mobile Legends| Author: Antinup 17.01.2024Transaction amount: 28 $

kesepakatan bagus. Terima kasih

Аккаунты to the game Fortnite| Author: Antinup 17.01.2024Transaction amount: 50 $

good deal. Thank you