Account market Accounts World of Tanks Blitz TOP CIS ACCOUNT

1/10/2024 13

Game: World of Tanks Blitz

Platform: Android

Description: 24k battles. 75%win
Avatars about
Personal avatar for sis. cab
camouflages pro / seasonal / pro orange / pro blue
12m silver. 2t days of premium. 192 tanks in the hangar
Collectibles in the hanger (vk90. , carro), for ransom (super horse, 121b, strvk, emle m4, kfpz50t, ob777, t22sr, ob907, concept 1b, ob260, badger, vz111 5a, ob268/4, amx30b)
premium equipment from the 10th, all drop 102 pieces. such as M60, Chief, etc.

Number of toptanks: 99 🥇
Number of premtanks: 90 👑
Win percentage: 75 📈
Number of fights(k): 0 ⚔️
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Refund in case of failed transaction or non-conformity of goods

Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 340 $

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