👨💼 Владимир
Good offer! Attention: Lesta Tanks Blitz account. On the account, all the main collectible and the end of the machine. 53 level tanks (collectible). The tanks are just fire, half of 243 cars have legendary camouflages (!) There are new - VK 75. 01 (K) Robber, LV-426 Atlant, there is a golden Jg. Pz. E100 and Babaha FV215b 183!! There are rare collectible machines. Not an account - candy! I am not ...
👨💼 None
12 tier X tank. 20 prem tank. 28 collector tank. 250 gold. 6. 6M credits. 185k free xp. 7M elite xp. 7, 542 battles. avg damage 1302. highest rank : platinum ...
👨💼 Миша
Hi, everyone! I'd like to sell my 8-year-old baby. Not in a hurry, will consider moderate haggling. On the account: 36000 battles, 57, 42% wins, 1741 average damage per battle, 1500 gold, 500k free experience, 770 days premium account. By tanks in the hangar: All pumpable tops (44 pcs), 3 collectible (Kpz 50 t, VK 90. 01P, Carro 45t), 60 prems (AMX 30 1er prototype, t71, t28 defender, blackbull,...
👨💼 lesswrong
I'm selling my account. 70% per account. Most tops are 3800+. There are 3 premiums - Scorpio, Vz-120-1g-ft and Skoda (+ on restoration - is2-sh, German bulldog 8lvl, Chrysler, 252u, m4 49). It is also possible to restore lvl 10 collectible tanks - Carro and T95e6....
👨💼 11MANSUR228a
I am selling an account created in 2014 with 70k battles, there are all the tops and many bonuses, even some can be restored...
👨💼 13579Ab
I have 12 premium tanks, as well as 2 collectibles: object-907 and crusher, but they need to be restored, since I sold them out of stupidity. I have about 200 gold, but there are 70 boosters with which you can earn + - if you don’t lose at least 20 times, you can get 1000 gold. There are also regular tanks in the screenshots, most of them are fully upgraded. As for skins, I have a legendary ski...
👨💼 Kihan
A great account for creating a twink or a new player. Tanks in the screenshot. Not attached. Sold with mail....
👨💼 MrFLINT777
I'm selling a good account. 37422 battles. 51. 72% win rate. 88 ppm sulfur. All tens have been pumped out. 185 tanks. 49 premiums, 22 collectibles. A bunch of certificates, camouflages, boosters. My nickname in the game is Mr_FLINT. Come in and see if anyone is interested....
👨💼 jusk
24k battles. 75%win Avatars about Personal avatar for sis. cab camouflages pro / seasonal / pro orange / pro blue ALL TOP GAMES 12m silver. 2t days of premium. 192 tanks in the hangar Collectibles in the hanger (vk90. , carro), for ransom (super horse, 121b, strvk, emle m4, kfpz50t, ob777, t22sr, ob907, concept 1b, ob260, badger, vz111 5a, ob268/4, amx30b) premium equipment from the 10th, all drop...
👨💼 Sery
7700 fights I take it from the bottom of my heart!!! Selling by mail 2000gold 11. 000. 000 million SULFUR 3. 500. 000 FREEDOM LOTS OF PREMIUMS THERE ARE COLLECTIBLES LVL 10 AND RECOVERABLE Lots of boosts A bunch of camouflages Profile backgrounds Nick On His KneesDeer...
Account purchase ads
Additional information about accounts
World of Tanks Blitz is a multiplayer online game from Wargaming. The difference between World of Tanks Blitz and the classic World of Tanks is that the game is designed specifically for mobile devices. It can be played both on phones with 🤖 Android and on 🍏 iOS. And if we are talking about selling accounts, then accounts for this game will be placed on Google Play and the App Store.
This game is maintained and further developed by separate companies:
🎮Lesta - mainly for players of the Russian-speaking audience
🎮Wargaming - for international players .
Currently available servers are as follows:
- 🌎 RU - mainly for Russian-speaking players
- 🌎 EU - players from European countries
- 🌎 ASIA - for Asian countries
- 🌎 NA - North American countries
- 🌎 SA - South American countries
When selling your WoT Blitz account, be sure to indicate the type of company and the server on which it is located, so that there are no troubles when purchasing an account.
For more convenient account search, we have created 4 parameters:
- 🥇 - number of level 10 tanks
- 👑 - number of premium tanks
- 📈 - your statistics, namely the percentage of wins
- ⚔️ - number of battles, measured in thousands
Approximate prices for World of Tanks Blitz accounts
Prices for accounts are usually based on the presence of level 10 tanks and premium tanks on it. Average cost from $20 to $50. More advanced accounts cost approximately $100.
But if we talk about very expensive accounts, the price will be approximately $200. It will be practically impossible to sell at a higher price, but anything can happen... Good luck with the sale! 🙂
Account purchase information
We want to pay attention to the security of your transactions. The above World of Tanks Blitz account is sold exclusively by regular users and to secure your account purchase, we have created the following rules:
- Buyers are required to make purchases through the site by clicking the buy button.
- after payment, you do not receive the product itself, but only open a transaction where the account will be transferred in a private chat.
- after opening a transaction, the seller is obliged to provide you with an account for verification. Check transaction availability in your personal account.
- if you are satisfied with the product, then you and the seller will re-register your account with your data.
- once you open a transaction, the seller has no chance to cancel the transaction and take your money. The deal was canceled by both parties.
- if a controversial situation arises, our system guarantee employees will help you resolve the dispute.
Please note that our site is growing rapidly and we are working to improve our services. Specifically I suggest you define 4 parameters to filter the World of Tanks Blitz account. You can show your suggestions in our forum.
If you have suggestions for improving our services, please also write them in the forum.
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