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Pokémon Go 💢Lv 43💢 Shiny Zapdos Giratina Co - Accounts Pokemon GO

Account market Accounts Pokemon GO Pokémon Go 💢Lv 43💢 Shiny Zapdos Giratina Co

02.03.2025 12

Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Game account sale Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO


Level: 43
Team: Instinct
Stardust: 7, 435, 772
Start Date: 2017-04-21

Shiny Legendary: 8
2x Zapdos, 1x Giratina (Origin), 3x Cobalion
1x Virizion, 1x Kyurem

Shiny: 236
1x Charizard, 4x Squirtle, 1x Wartortle
2x Blastoise, 1x Caterpie, 1x Pidgeot
1x Spearow, 1x Pikachu, 1x Vulpix (Alola)
1x Ninetales (Alola), 1x Oddish, 1x Gloom
1x Paras, 1x Meowth (Alola), 1x Growlithe
1x Arcanine, 6x Poliwag, 1x Poliwhirl
1x Poliwrath, 1x Alakazam, 22x Machop
1x Machoke, 2x Machamp, 1x Tentacool
1x Tentacruel, 1x Magnemite, 3x Gengar
1x Onix, 1x Weezing, 1x Scyther
1x Electabuzz, 1x Vaporeon, 1x Jolteon
1x Aerodactyl, 2x Dratini, 1x Dragonair
5x Dragonite, 1x Chikorita, 1x Totodile
1x Spinarak, 1x Pichu, 2x Togetic
1x Natu, 1x Xatu, 1x Azumarill
1x Sudowoodo, 1x Politoed, 1x Yanma
1x Umbreon, 1x Gligar, 1x Steelix
1x Scizor, 2x Teddiursa, 1x Swinub
1x Houndoom, 1x Porygon2, 1x Celebi
1x Poochyena, 1x Wurmple, 1x Lotad
1x Shroomish, 2x Whismur, 1x Loudred
1x Nosepass, 1x Delcatty, 2x Mawile
2x Manectric, 2x Roselia, 1x Wailmer
17x Trapinch, 15x Cacnea, 1x Swablu
1x Altaria, 1x Barboach, 1x Castform
1x Duskull, 1x Dusclops, 1x Snorunt
1x Metagross, 1x Deoxys, 1x Turtwig
1x Piplup, 1x Staravia, 1x Bidoof
1x Bibarel, 1x Shinx, 2x Luxray
1x Roserade, 1x Shieldon, 1x Burmy (Plant)
1x Cherubi, 1x Drifloon, 2x Glameow
1x Purugly, 3x Garchomp, 1x Snover
1x Rhyperior, 2x Togekiss, 1x Leafeon
1x Gliscor, 2x Mamoswine, 1x Dusknoir
1x Snivy, 1x Servine, 1x Tepig
1x Pignite, 1x Emboar, 1x Oshawott
1x Dewott, 1x Samurott, 1x Patrat
1x Watchog, 1x Purrloin, 1x Blitzle
4x Roggenrola, 1x Boldore, 2x Gigalith
1x Dwebble, 1x Carracosta, 1x Archeops
2x Litwick, 3x Chandelure, 1x Fraxure
2x Haxorus, 1x Durant, 8x Fennekin
1x Braixen, 1x Delphox, 1x Fletchinder
1x Talonflame, 1x Sylveon, 4x Grubbin
1x Vikavolt, 1x Stufful, 1x Bewear
3x Ursaluna

Legendary: 90
1x Articuno (Galarian), 2x Zapdos, 4x Moltres
1x Mewtwo, 2x Raikou, 1x Entei
5x Suicune, 5x Lugia, 1x Ho-Oh
1x Regirock, 1x Regice, 1x Registeel
3x Latios, 2x Groudon, 4x Rayquaza
1x Azelf, 4x Dialga, 2x Palkia
2x Heatran, 1x Regigigas, 2x Giratina (Origin)
1x Giratina (Altered), 3x Cresselia, 2x Cobalion
2x Terrakion, 1x Virizion, 3x Reshiram
3x Zekrom, 3x Landorus (Incarnate), 2x Kyurem
1x Zygarde (10%), 1x Tapu Bulu, 1x Tapu Fini
1x Cosmog, 1x Cosmoem, 1x Lunala
1x Regieleki, 3x Regidrago


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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Services of the guarantor service are included in the cost of the account

269 $

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