👨💼 Clint31287
Level: 43 Team: Instinct Stardust: 7, 435, 772 Start Date: 2017-04-21 Shiny Legendary: 8 2x Zapdos, 1x Giratina (Origin), 3x Cobalion 1x Virizion, 1x Kyurem Shiny: 236 1x Charizard, 4x Squirtle, 1x Wartortle 2x Blastoise, 1x Caterpie, 1x Pidgeot 1x Spearow, 1x Pikachu, 1x Vulpix (Alola) 1x Ninetales (Alola), 1x Oddish, 1x Gloom 1x Paras, 1x Meowth (Alola), 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanin...
👨💼 Martin
I sell acount from year 2016, lvl 50 Shiny 1058, legendary 428, total pokemon 7800, 181 mil. XP 2M Stardust. . . My mom died in January and this account is the only thing I have to cover all the fees, I don't want to sell the account, it's been 8 years of playing and experiences, but nothing can be done...
👨💼 Егор
30 lvl, Valor. 17 legendary, 20 Shiny, Dragonite (Lucky), Melmetal (Shiny), Tyranitar, Groudon, Palkia, Rayquazza, Metagross (Lucky), Kyogre, Dialga, Giratina, Gyarados(Lucky), Bagon 100IV(Shiny), Bagon (100IV) (Shiny), Deoxis, Milotic(Lucky), Meltan(Shiny). 135k Sturdust and others. Start in 2016. Complete account relinking. ...
👨💼 Drs0112
Selling a good account, level 48, mystic team, experience gained already at level 49, a lot of shine, legendary and hundred, dust 16 million. ...
👨💼 Tenseu
Personal account. No spoofing was used. Nickname change available. A huge number of Pokemon for pvp. Large tournament account practice. Including playing in the Russian national team. All Pokemon have two REQUIRED attacks, good pvp characteristics of ivy. Lots of Pokemon with Legacy attacks. All pumped in ideal GBL meta. At least take the legend now. There are many untouched Shiny legends, i...
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