Account market Accounts Boom Beach Selling Boom Beach account

12/28/2023 43

Game: Boom Beach

Platform: Android

Description: 1. Android, transfer was not carried out.
2. Lv. 71 Headquarters 24 weapons 24.
3. number of statues 11, % of statues: channel 41, 4 by 17, 3 by 16, damage 31 and 13, health 34, in storage: stone 71, flights 46 and some others.
4. Number of parts in the laboratory: melting 326, mechanisms 7, rod 118, capacitor 71 (more).
5. Possibility of changing your nickname for 1500 diamonds.
6. The amount of dust is under 700.
Weapons, paratroopers are fully upgraded, copper is under 900.

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Game account sale Boom Beach
Game account sale Boom Beach
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Receiving the goods: in a private chat with the seller

Withdrawal of funds: waiting up to 3 days with payment system commission of 3%

Price: 28 $

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