👨💼 ون
New account ✅Rank: BEGINNER ✅Steam is not tied ✅390 Metals ✅10+k coins for purchasing characters/recolors...
👨💼 Kadrey
Contact WhatsApp https://wa. me/201060583913 Communication via Telegram t. me/King124848 I will collect a unique account for you at a cheaper price...
👨💼 kinglion1
Sell s4 7bp max1 heirloom. I have many such accounts, please message me directly from 80u-150u ...
👨💼 Dream1n
[PS w OGE] 3x Pred Horizon Heirloom + 160 Legendarys - Prestige 2 Level 411 - 16k on horizon / 4k on wraith - 160 legendarys [w p2w r9, volt, car, wingman, pk, mastiff] - 900 crafting - 25, 626 lifetime kills Badges: - Pred badges [S15, S16, S18] 15 and 16 stale - Master badges [S12, S17, S20] - Horizon 4k + 20 - Wraith 4k + 20 - Lifeline 4k + 20 - Rev 20 only Battle Passes: S12 – 110 [Not Bo...
👨💼 clauoptick
I am selling an apex legends account, with over 300 legendary skins for legends and weapons plus two heirlooms Loba and Wraith I am attaching pictures for credibility...
👨💼 Frooozyy
Personal account Life line heirloom 481 LVL S17 master 900 Credits all legends + exclusive gold skins Steam account access so selling steam account with other games as Rust , rainbow six siege and other more Photo and interested info in private...
👨💼 xdayush
Selling My Apex Account with full access email 1100 Ac 4200 LT 1480 crafting materials 1 heirloom ( butterfly knife ) 12 legendary skins (legends) 12 legandy skins (weapons ) ...
👨💼 Tristan
I sell apex coin cheaper (35€/11500coin , 55€ /23000 coin) I sell Also the technique for 200€, can be negotiated...
👨💼 Awaken
Account is EA only not linked to anything upon purchase you’ll get the email and password to change to your details feel free to message me about the account I’m always up if you need anymore details ...
👨💼 JerryCarry
Add me on Discor for all infos: jerryboost 4x Pred, 11x Master, 8xHeirloom, 60k+ Kills, Season 1-19 Battlepass MAX❤️ OGE/STEAM/EA Email Full Accses...
👨💼 JerryCarry
For Buy The Account Add me on Discord: jerryboost I also have much Pictures from the account. 9x Predator, 5 herilooms, Season 1-12 Battlepass❤️ FULL ACCES OGE/STEAM/EA ...
👨💼 Julian
Rev Recolor Heirloom Horizon Heirloom Wraith Recolor Heirloom lvl 200 currently Diamond 2 in Ranked Season 20 130+Legendarys Stacked...
👨💼 Forza811
Havent played for a long time Wraith Kunai (Heirloom) 3 Wraith legendary skins 1250 Apex coins 145K Legend tokens 775 Crafting materials...
👨💼 Najak
Account level 560 150 heirloom shards 2100 ea coins 500+ skins 100+ legendaries Bp s3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12...
👨💼 jeagerr
2 heilooms (Octane;Wraith) S3 predator badge + permanent DIVE TRAIL (you don't have to play every season to keep it, others fear landing with you in ranked lmao) 5-6 diamond badges too. 4K20 badges (Wraith, Horizon, wattson, Octane (only 4K badge), Bangalore (I'm not sure)) Many legendery skins + recolors (many og skins like s4 bp tier 100 flatline) 1150 extra coins for free battlepass. re...
👨💼 Vorojak
2 heirlooms (kunai and wraith prestige) 267 legendary items Lifeline, bloodhound, octane and champions edition 850 lvl Battle pass 6 to 19...
👨💼 muerto2741
111 leg (weapons and skins, didn’t count the rest), metals to buy a relic, passed BP from season 7 to 15, the current one was also purchased, metals 2800, gold 250, if you finish off the BP, will be on next, a reasonable cake is possible...
👨💼 GlaZ721
· Personal account from the 11th season of the game · Diamond in the 13th season (Banner Emblem, Weapon Talisman, Holospray) · Relic for the character Bangalore · Emblem of 20 kills in a match between Bloodhound and Rafa · Five legendary character skins and four legendary weapon skins · Characters unlocked: Octane, Wattson, Loba, Valkyrie, Maggie, Ash and Catalyst...
👨💼 obladayou
All champions are open, except for the last 4 seasons, from things the BH ax, a couple of skins, skins from the anniversary....
👨💼 Ghoulogicc
It has 10 heirlooms and the s4 r99 skin the account level is 500+. It has over 500 legendarys ...
👨💼 Stupid
I will sell a personal account 400lvl on the account of the master of season 9 and the flight from him. 2 relics kunai and axe. from rare skins 2 wold wakers 1 recolor. All editions were purchased except the giba. Selling due to PC change, 30fps game...
👨💼 MaxPain
Looking to swap for any acc with ancient of the void wraith skin and wraith heirloom it’s my fav skin and didn’t get it or just put an offer...
👨💼 Daniel66

Xbox - pred this season and 10x pred (3animated) & 6x master - gibbi heirloom & 150 shards - all twitch prime skins except horzion - 20bomb / 4k on diffrent legends & 10/10/10 badge - pay to win R-99 skin & many more...
👨💼 Daniel66
season1 account (full battlepass) season2 diamond wraith & bloodhound heirloom lots other gun and champs with legendary skins 20 bomb on wraith 4k badge on blood path wraith dm for more details...
👨💼 Barmo90
Selling my apex ps5 Account The account has 7 heirlooms octane, pathfinder lobo, revenant, Ash, wraith and caustic prestige skin 2x masters 4x diamond and level 199 on the second prestige level and 356 legendary Asking 700$ but I can go lower on the price if need...
👨💼 Petia
wanting to sell this account has a lot more skins Diamond 1 current act name change not available currently...
👨💼 Factor

All battlepass maxed 1 to 17 (except season 6) (18 still playing Lv. 52 for now), Octane Heirloom, 160+ legendary skin2000 apex coins, 5110 craft metals, All legends unlocked, first mail dm me for more info ...
👨💼 Factor
(EU/TR) Unranked + 75 Skins / Champs 2022 Set & Chaos Vandal & Araxys Vandal & Ion Karambit Selling EU/TR Account Full Access with many skins Mail Changeable DM me if interested. All Agents Unlocked many BP - 10k KP...
👨💼 Rockman
NO OGE, OGE EMAIL DELETED. (PC) Octane Heirloom account 4k/20:Octane, Horizon, Wraith, Path, Wattson, Crypto, Bangalore, Loba Can use middleman can sell it for cheap because i don't need this account anymore Paypal....
👨💼 MaxPain
- Lifeline Heirloom - 873 Level - 213 Legendries - 4. 05k Craft MEtals - 600 Coins - 270k Legend tokens - OG account Since Season 1 - s7 R99 Reactive Skin OG - Many Event Gifts Unlocked - Many Skydive and emotes Unlocked - Many skins Purchased - 30, 000+ Overall Kills - 11, 600+ Bloodhound kills - 5, 250+ Loba kills - 3, 500+ Bangalore Kills - 2200+ Pathy Kills - 1500+ Wraith Kills - 900+ Vantage ...
👨💼 Darden
6 heirlooms and Horizon Bangalore Pathfinder Revenant Seer Wattson ❗️rare Horizon skin ❗️S3 season permanent exhaust a lot of BATTLE PASS skin 383 golden skin ...
👨💼 Darden
XBOX 2 heirlooms (bloodhound and pathfinder) 3 másters and 1 pred Arenas 2 splits 324 golden skins Battle pass since season 6 ...
👨💼 Antinup
PC account origin only 4 pred badges 3 animated 2 heirlooms wraith and octane 200+ legendary’s...
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We want to pay attention to the security of your transactions. The above Apex Legends account is sold exclusively by regular users and to secure your account purchase, we have created the following rules:
- Buyers are required to make purchases through the site by clicking the buy button.
- after payment, you do not receive the product itself, but only open a transaction where the account will be transferred in a private chat.
- after opening a transaction, the seller is obliged to provide you with an account for verification. Check transaction availability in your personal account.
- if you are satisfied with the product, then you and the seller will re-register your account with your data.
- once you open a transaction, the seller has no chance to cancel the transaction and take your money. The deal was canceled by both parties.
- if a controversial situation arises, our system guarantee employees will help you resolve the dispute.
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